My favorite movie

 Hi everyone!

When someone ask me if I prefer series or movies, I think I could not decide, but I think I have more favorite movies than favorite series. Especially because I love Disney movies, the classics of course, they seem so magical to me.

I'm going to talk about my favorite movie of all my life: Peter Pan 

This movie is the year 1953, so I don't remember when it was the first time I saw it I must have been very young. I remember that Peter Pan 2 was given to me for some birthday, and I still have the DVD of that movie.

It is about three brothers who were left in charge by their older sister, while their parents were going to a party, it is then when Peter Pan and Tinker Bell invite them and take them to the island of Never Land. Never land it is an island where the "lost children" live and they never grow up. on this island there are also pirates, and mermaids.

The mermaids part is the best part of the movie. the mermaids wetting wendy and playing in the water, I really wanted to swim like them hahaha

In spite of little prominence, my favorite character is Nana. Nana is literally a babysitter, but she is a dog. This character is very funny and It makes me very sad when they tie her outside

 I've seen them so many times that I don't remember.

see u next time


  1. I also like Disney movies, although I feel like Peter Pan is one I haven't seen in a long time. From what you count its sequel sounds interesting.

  2. I also love Disney movies! especially the old ones. My favorites are Bambi and The little mermaid.


  3. Peter Pan !! It is a classic, very beautiful that movie, I have also seen it a thousand times and I would never tire of it. Greetings


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